Saturday, February 21, 2015

Web Application into the Cloud Architecture

Source : “We are getting data from the cloud”

I found this article to give a clear understanding of Web applications and Cloud Architecture.This helps us visualize the concept in real terms.To understand the concept it is important to know that all data retrieved from a web browser does not come from the cloud.Web applications and Cloud computing are correlated but not one and the same.

Web Application:

                                    Web application Architecture

Web application Architecture consists of a web server eg:Apache , logic layer executing the requests in a desired manner and backend database.The architecture normally resides on the physical layer.

Web Application To Cloud Architecture:

       Web application into cloud architecture

Web applications needs a middle ware to transform into cloud architecture. The middle ware is the load balancer which helps to distribute the workload across multiple servers.It requires some hardware and software executing algorithm to perform.As seen in the figure cloud architecture requires multiple resources interacting to deliver the application.

This article gives a view on how one can look at web applications.I do work on web apps and never thought the need to think in this way.Probably by default I took it for granted that anything hosted online either came from the cloud or just did not want to use the cloud technology.This gives a nice picture to see what to expect in current world where cloud is taking over applications.


  1. Always enjoy reading your post as they provide me with articles that give me clear explanations of complex items.

  2. Hi Larry,

    Thank you so much for the kind words.Makes me work towards reading more articles and finding the ones that translate into simpler terms...
